Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Simple Yoga Poses To Increase The Height

Yoga Poses to Increase Height

human height depends on several factors such as genetic and nongenetic factors, including environmental factors and nutrition. It is said that a child in its growth stage should follow a balanced diet, including adequate sleep and exercise both physically and mentally and physical activities for their growth and development. It is said that after a certain age (at an average of 16-18 years), height stops growing. So if the desire to be high, it really is better to start from an early age.

Benefits Of Yoga To Increase Height

Each of us wants to become high. Some of us even wonder if it is possible increase height naturally even after crossing the actual age of growth. Well, yoga is the solution for this. Yoga can do wonders to generally improve our position and stature and make us look taller or higher.

Some yoga postures rigorous can help stretch and lengthen our spine. But when we begin, we must start with simple exercises. The height is co-related with the length of the bones. After a particular age, the length of the bones is not increased. But it has been shown that yoga can help correct our posture and add a few inches to our height.

Why Yoga?

Yoga helps to maintain proper posture. Our spinal cord is very flexible. When we are in an incorrect position, the entire structure is compressed. When we align properly the spine and maintain good posture, the structure of the spine is decompressed and make us look taller. regular practices yoga and stretching exercises can help us correct these deficiencies. Yoga exercises also help our records strong column, so with age that do not bend. yoga practices help prevent bone loss due to bone demineralization. With the right yoga exercises, our muscles are well toned and stretch and help us see and feel high. It provides energy to all parts of our body and is good for overall health and well-being of the body. Yoga exercises are indirectly related to our growth in height, to correct our posture, help us be higher, we align our backbone and develop strong core muscles.

Yoga with controlled breathing techniques also helps to stretch our body through its full range of motion. Deep breathing releases stress which causes pressure on our back muscles, relieving obstacle to improving the body’s growth. There are few yoga postures that can help increase our height to keep our body upright.

to increase height naturally, yoga is the best option. You do not have to undergo surgery tips, you do not have to consume any supplement, you do not have to spend money and without any side effects. By regular yoga, we can promote greater postural awareness. So, what are you waiting for? Start doing these few simple Yoga Poses to increase your height.

Yoga Poses To Increase Height

1. Surya Namaskar:

Let’s start with the Surya Namaskar or sun Salutation. This is a practice of yoga century old, with the participation of 12 different positions, which should be done in chronological order. Surya is said to make Namashkar, at sunrise or sunset, it is beneficial for increasing height digestion and helps loosen joints and muscles. This asana yoga has been very effective for back pain because it involves alternating ascending and descending curves.

How Do Namashkar Surya?

place their feet touch each other. Looking at the sun. Touch a palm with the other, the point -to-point, ie make a Namaskara. Inhale while lifting his arms up. Folded back. Try to stretch your arms. Exhale as you bend forward and try to touch the ground slowly. Keep your hands in line with your feet. Your head should touch your knees. Inhale. Move your right leg back. Slowly lift your head. Now get your head back to normal position. Then move your left leg back. Your left leg should be parallel to the right leg toes should touch the ground. Exhale while this pose is done. Now raise your hips, keep your arms straight and align your head with your arms. pose will be formed and pushed up a bow. Now, exhale. Lower your body to the ground. Touching the ground with their feet, knees, chest, including the palms of his forehead. Inhale and lift the head back. Try to stretch your head as far as possible. Push up and rest only on palms and feet. Inhale. Bend the left leg at the knee. Bring your feet together and being in Namaskar position.

2. Sukhasana:

All yoga postures begin to form this asana and is said to be the central position in yoga. This is the pose of a beginner. This asana yoga helps control breathing while tone down our lower back and hips.

How Do Sukhasana?

Sit on the floor in a cross-legged position. Place your hands on your knees. Your focus should be on your breathing. Align the spine perfectly. The spine should be properly lengthened, while you sit straight. Now, push your buttocks to the floor and slowly lower your knees. Take 5 breaths. Inhale to lift your arms up and over her head. Exhale when arms are down low. Repeat 5 to 7 times.

3. Talasana:

This yoga exercise is very easy to do. It is also known as Mountain Pose. To strengthen the arms, legs and back, this is a perfect practice yoga.

How Do Talasna?

Stand up straight. Keep your feet together. The spine should be erect with his hands by his side. Keep your palms facing thighs. Now join both hands with fingers. Take a deep breath. As you inhale, lengthen your spine and stretch your hands above your head. Let your palms facing the ceiling. Then lift your heels. Stand on tiptoe and balance. See that the whole body is stretched. Stay in the pose for a few seconds and then exhale. As you exhale, return back to its original position.

4. Trikonasana:

To improve balance and maintain good posture, Trikonasana is also recommended. Also known as the triangle pose, this asana helps relieve tension as well.

How Do Trikonasana?

Stand with your legs 3-4 feet apart. Your feet should remain parallel to each other. Raise your hands. Your hands should be straight with your shoulders. Now bend toward the right side. With the fingers of his right hand touching the toes of the right leg. Raise the left hand up, look to the left hand. Hold this position for one minute. Repeat this procedure with your other hand. While doing this, take several deep breaths. Then inhale and straighten your body. Next exhale as you move your arms at your toes.

5. Parivrtta Trikonasana:

This position is also known as inverted triangle pose. This yoga pose improves balance the body and strengthens the back, thereby increasing the height.

How Do Parivrtta Trikonasana?

Stand with legs. Stretch both legs to his sides. Raise both hands. Align with the shoulders. Now rotate the torso to the right and left hand, touch the right foot. The right hand should be facing up and fingers pointing out. Look at your fingertips and stay in this position for about 30 seconds. Then put your arms in line with your shoulders. Repeat this position with the other side.

6. Dog And Cat:

The yoga asanas for dogs and cats help in expanding our spine completely. The extension is carried out in two different directions. In this way it helps to stretch each disk cartilage in his spinal cord.

How To Make Dog And Cat?

stand on their hands and knees hip width. Hands should be ahead of the shoulders and knees. Breath and tilt your pelvis upward. Drop your stomach towards the floor and arch the spine and the head is up. Stretch your body completely and then switch to the position of cat reversing the arch of your spine while this exercise is done, make sure your pelvis is down and chest and stomach. Repeat this many times. Although dog and cat are two separate movements, by combining two of them maximum flexibility and high gain is obtained.

7. Adhomukha SAVASANA:

comparatively easier to perform. Also it is known as the dog looking down. This exercise increases blood flow to the face and neck. This exercise is done against gravity. Therefore, it helps to increase mental confidence and reduce anxiety.

How Do Adhomukha Savasana?

Use your hands and knees to stay on the ground. Place your legs under your hips and arms should be place below the shoulders. Grip firmly with your palms facing the floor and extending fingers. Now squeeze the stomach with a deep breath. Lift your knees off the ground. The coccyx start automatically rises. Support himself with both palms and feet. Now stretch your spine and legs so that your body takes a form of inverted V with the coccyx up. Stay in this position for 5 breaths.

8. Tree Pose:

strengthen calf muscles and legs and maintain the overall balance with this asana yoga.

How Do Tree Pose?

Stand straight with your spine straight and your feet should keep together. Get in a position Namaste, stretched over his head. Raise your right leg bent at the knees. The plant uprights should be placed on the inner thigh of the left leg. Knees right leg out. Breath normally. Then repeat this position with the left leg.

9. Chakrasana:

This asana yoga is supposed to increase your height at any age. By doing this asana, which makes your body flexible and more elastic spine. This Asana also known as the wheel pose.

How Do Chakrasana?

lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Placing them closer to the hips. Bend your elbows and place your hands on the sides of his head. Take a deep breath, while increasing your body up. Arc or curve of the spine while resting on the feet and palms. Stay in this position for a few seconds and gradually increase the duration to breathe normally.

10. Hastapadasana:

Very useful to increase your height. All body parts are focused on doing this exercise. This asana yoga is especially suitable for people with shorter upper or lower body. Also known as Hand Foot Pose.

How Do Hastapadasana?

Stand straight with feet together. Put your arms along your body. Keep your weight balanced on both feet. Inhale and extend your arms up. Exhale and bend forward and down towards your feet. Remain in this position for a few seconds and continue breathing deeply. See your spine and legs are erect, hands on the floor beside the feet or legs. As you exhale, move your chest toward your knees. Try to raise your hips and tailbone, relax your head relax, press your heels and move your head gently toward your feet. Keep breathing. As you exhale, bring your arms at your sides.

10 Simple Yoga Poses To Increase The Height Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ijung


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